Risk and Signs - Mother's e-Guide

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Obstetric Complications
Pregnancy is inevitable as designed by nature but its certainty should not as well serve as a road map for death. Basically, there are some signs and symptoms which are normal and should not create fear but only warrant a clear understanding of the body system. At the same time, pregnancy comes with its risks, which call for urgent attention.

Risk and Key Warning Signs to Watch Out For.

Nausea and Vomiting: This is normal as part of the symptoms of pregnancy at first trimester. It is associated with "morning sickness" but when severe and most importantly persistent after first trimester then medical attention need be sought.

Bleeding and Persistent Abdominal Pain: A severe abdominal pain, coupled with fever is a bad omen. Likewise, heavy bleeding with cramping must be reported to the health experts without delay as it may signals miscarriage be it in the first or early second trimester. In the same vein, it is a normal occurrence to have implantation bleeding at the early stage of pregnancy but in third trimester, when bleeding thrives on abdominal pain, it may mean there is a placenta problem or cervical infection.
Ectopic Pregnancy: this is also a problem signalled via bleeding at the early stage of pregnancy (first trimester). Such vaginal bleeding would be abnormal with strong dizziness, abdominal and pelvic pain.
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (Gestational Hypertension): a condition characterised by high blood pressure which can eventually lead to Preeclampsia. Often times, major causes which are not to be taken lightly are: persistent severe headache plus abdominal pain. There will also be visual distortion (blurry vision), fainting, abnormal increase in weight and puffiness.

Preterm labour: it may occur before the end of thirty-seven weeks of pregnancy (or early in the third trimester) when it is not yet the actual time for delivery. This is a false labour contraction. In this case, contraction will not stop on changing positions or when moving; it will be regular and painful. This condition - 'false labour' which is also known as Braxton-Hicks contractions should be checked by medical professionals for necessary medical advice.
Inactivity on the part of the Baby: ordinarily by the eighteenth to the twenty-fifth weeks of pregnancy even to the third trimester, movement of the foetus (developing baby) are felt. Actions could include: light kicking, turning etc. but when these movements are felt less often, it means the baby is inactive. Hence, a Doctor should be contacted.
Itching and Urination: one of the known signs of pregnancy is frequent urination which is common in the first trimester and towards the last stage of pregnancy but if there is an increased urge to urinate with a burning sensation while urinating, then it could indicate Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Also, severe itching from the twenty-eighth weeks of pregnancy could be attributed to a liver issue, a condition called cholestasis of pregnancy. All these obstetric problems discussed above are to be reported on time, addressed promptly to forestall stunted growth of the baby while the expectant mother is medically safeguarded.

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