Malaria Control - Mother's e-Guide

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Strategy for the Control of Malaria in Pregnancy.

The Algorithm...
Algorithm for Malaria Control at pregnant
Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test (mRDT)

How to Use the Malaria Test Kit

              A typical Kit for Malaria Diagnosis

Procedure (Step by Step Approach)

The test can be carried out by any trained person: pharmacists, medical personnel etc. and even pregnant women themselves (at home) without prior knowledge.

1. Take out a cotton wool.
2. Soak it in alcohol or methylated spirit provided or gotten from a community or retail pharmacy.
3. Clean the tip of any finger using the soaked cotton wool.
4. Allow the finger to dry.
5. Prick the finger lightly with a lancet or needle.
6. Drop one or two drops of blood or the quantity specified by the manufacturer into the right well in the test device by gently quizzing the finger.
7. Add some drops (or according to the manufacturer's instructions) of the diluent provided to the blood well or a second well close to the blood well. The diluent helps to lyse the parasite from the red blood cell inside the drop of blood.
8. Wait for the result after some minutes according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Result Interpretation

Positive: a positive result will show 2 lines on the test kit; a line in the region labelled C (Control) and a line in the region labelled T (Test) - inscribed Pf in some test kits.

Note – test is positive even if line in T is faintly displayed.

Negative: a negative result will show a line in the C region and no line in the T region.

Invalid: an invalid test will show no line in both regions or one line in the T region.

 ** Dispose the test kit properly; each test kit can only be used once.

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D'Mediatrix Creations
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