Immunisation - Mother's e-Guide

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Types of vaccines at Antenatal and Postnatal

- Bacille Calmette Guerrin (BCG) Injection: for babies, 14 hours after delivery to prevent cough. BCG is also a tuberculosis immunisation.

- Measles, Polio and DPT 1-2-3 (Hepatitis B) Vaccines.

**   Oral Polio Vaccines (OPV): Polio zero is quickly administered soon after birth.
**   DPT-HBV: Diptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus and Hepatitis B Vaccine.
*** Tetanus Toxoid Immunization in Pregnancy (three doses): administered by 4th - 8th week as DTaP i.e. Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoid
     and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine (Adsorbed). The fourth dose is recommended at the age of 15 to 20 months.
*** DPT 1 and Polio 1 (Oral Vaccines) are administered to the baby at twenty-eight (28) days.

- SP (Sulphadoxine Pyrimethamine) Dose: to prevent malaria - administered to the Mother at fourteen (14) weeks of pregnancy.

- Tablets (Mebendazole) for deworming and supplements rich in Iron-folate to prevent Anemia; both are used by the expectant mother at antenatal. Blood test is also encouraged to detect any presence of Syphilis which can harm the fetus.


ANC (Antenatal Care) and Postnatal Care (PNC) are essential but their importance is not limited to the following:
* As ANC is life sustaining which helps to know the lying position of the baby so also is PNC which through monitoring the weight of the baby (monthly until after measles vaccination) helps to detect if the baby is growing normally or abnormally.

* PNC prevents children from communicable diseases/ ailments such as:
   Fever, Tuberculosis, Mumps, Measles, Malaria, Polio, Whooping Cough, Tetanus and Diphtheria etc.

Vaccination Schedule as captured by Ondo State Primary Health Care Board.

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