First Bath - Mother's e-Guide

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The First Bath

Newbaby's first bath cannot be better explained without a visual most especially for a first time mother. It is an activity that is essential for all mothers. It has its technicalities but the video below clarifies the process. Midwives advised that Sponge bath should be adopted when the umbilical cord has not yet fallen off and the belly button is still in the process of healing. After this stage (i.e. when umbilical cord falls off and the belly button finally heals) the baby can then be bath with a tub; placing him/ her directly into the water.

Note that, when this engagement (bathing a baby) has been mastered, it can serve as a means of bonding for both the mother and the child. Often times, babies love the bath time - little wonder that they would not stop the splashing of the water.

Materials/ Items needed:

  • Baby bath tub or Plastic tub
  • Warm water
  • Anti-bacterial agent e.g. dettol (*not a must)
  • Baby Cussion (Soft Soap)
  • Flannel/ Washcloth (i.e. Light weight Cotton Fabric) and
  • A towel

Ensure that the last three items are placed nearby where it can be reached easily as you will need to hold the baby at all times. Watch the video for a broad explanation and demonstration.

Baby's First Bath

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