Teething - Mother's e-Guide

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Baby Teething

When it comes to teething, all babies are different, but most babies start teething at around 6 months.

Teething symptoms

Baby teeth develop sometimes with no pain while some babies do have discomfort. Significantly, some teething signs may include but not limited to:

  • The baby's gum turning sore and red where the tooth is coming out from.
  • One cheek seems flushed.
  • Frequent rubbing of ear (by the baby).
  • Baby dribbles more than usual.
  • Frequent gnawing and chewing on things.
  • Some babies are more fretful than usual while some tend to become dull and inactive.

Hierarchical order in Baby Teeth Formation
Interact for visuals via the roman numerals

  • - Bottom front teeth (bottom incisors) – these are usually the first set to appear, usually at around 6 - 10 months.
  • - Top Central incisors (Upper front teeth) – develop at around 8 - 12 months.
  • - Top lateral incisors (either side of the top front teeth) – appear at around 9 -13 months
  • - Bottom lateral incisors (either side of the bottom front teeth) – develop within 10 - 16 months.
  • - Back upper teeth, in 13 - 19 months, the first Molars show up.
  • - Lower first Molars show up in 14 - 18 months
  • - Canines also known as Cuspid, upper teeth (towards the back of the mouth) – come through at around 16 - 22 months
  • - Lower teeth canines emerge at 17 -23 months
  • - Second Molars (Lower back teeth) – develop around 23 - 31 months
  • - Second Molars (Upper back teeth) – develop around 25 - 33 months

Most children will have all of their milk/ primary teeth by the time they are two to three years old. Between the ages of 6 and 12 i.e. about 6 years interval, a mixture of both primary teeth and permanent teeth will be in the mouth of a child such as primary molars replaced by permanent premolars which settles behind the primary teeth. This period is known as “mixed dentition’’. Eventually, the primary teeth are replaced by 32 permanent teeth.

Teeth eruption in babies is known as teething and to comfort a teething baby should not be difficult. This can be achieved by making use of non-medical options such as giving the baby healthy things to chew: small bits of fruit, teething rings etc. This will ease him/ her of discomfort and same time distracts the child from any pain. Also, paracetamol or ibuprofen could be given to relieve teething pains or discomfort in babies and children of 3 months and above. Drugs should be taken as prescribed by the medical experts.

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