Maternal Care - Mother's e-Guide

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Maternal Care

This web app offers a wide range of resources (to assist the trainers in health care delivery) focusing on maternal health care: antenatal, postnatal and neonatal. These three key areas are germane in promoting and raising a healthy 'life'. Sections like: the exercise, cancer prevention through self-check in favour of exclusive and responsive breastfeeding, Point-blank, EDD simplified, healthy practises to promote nutrition and wellness, visual guide for expressing milk when unable to breastfeed, step by step instructions on 'DMPA-Sc' for self administration and a host of others are helpful (as a visual and instructional aid) in complementing the efforts of the health experts.

Information on this electronic guide is also of high relevance always for pregnant women/ mothers. The "FAQ" section- i.e. Frequently Asked Questions provide solutions in an educative way, to relevant questions of potential mothers. Hence, the site is updated regularly with the FAQ; further comments and questions are allowed to be sent using the "contacts" section. All forms are rooted to the central admin. The live web chat is also another available option. Fact sheets/ infographics have been incorporated where necessary for objectivity.

Medical Experts
The health experts that administer antenatal classes and attend to queries on mothering. ANC and PNC services are core health interventions supplied by the trainers; high quality care is expected from them by the mothers. As a result, 'survival' alone is insufficient but quality maternal care that will ascertain mothers and child grow and develop positively - WHO. Inferably, part of such quality care is a woman-centred approach in which unnecessary medical attention are discarded to avoid resource wastage, women are advised to move around freely during early labour. They are equally permitted to choose their birth position and have a companion of their choice by their side at child delivery. The approach also means such freedom will not affect privacy and confidentiality while adequate information about pain relief is not retained by the trainers. Health Educators help to sensitize hence a major player in maternal health care delivery. Learn More...

Regular antenatal care does not only build intimacy through communication but also breeds trust. Antenatal care employs an instructional method via a class that is accessible regularly. The antenatal class in a real life experience is a forum or an avenue for building relationship between the pregnant mother and the health professionals. Antenatal exposes likely risk and unexpected complications that can occur at child delivery hence a remedy or solution is timely sought for. As a platform for screening and diagnosis of diseases, health is promoted while diseases are catered for through distribution of vaccines. Every woman is entitled to a positive pregnancy experience from antenatal care and at childbirth which will serve as a foundation for healthy motherhood. In lieu of this, antenatal when utilised appropriately can help save live and as well improve it. Explore further...

Mother and Child
The postnatal period (or postpartum in reference solely to the mother) is the period beginning one hour after the delivery of the placenta and continues until six weeks, approximately 42 days after the birth of a baby. Care during this period is crucial for the health and survival of both the mother and the newborn. Postnatal services are agreed to be both important and routinely provided. Without it, the efforts of the health system at antenatal would have been in vain. Therefore, it is a continuity aimed at solidifying the relationship and health foundation that has been established at antenatal for sustainability. Most importantly, it is meant to prepare and guide the woman on mothering. Continue from here...

New Born
The neonatal period is only 28 days but accounts for 38% of all deaths in children younger than 5 years. Antenatal and Postnatal care have the potentials to contribute in reducing maternal and child mortality. At this stage, the new baby is exposed to vaccines to strengthen and for reinforcement against natural health issues which are common at this fragile stage. A good and quality care at neonatal will build up the baby: physiologically and bio-medically serving as a foundation for the real life that transcends beyond the 28 days. Mental health structure and emotional bond can then further be built upon the foundation already established right from antenatal. Click to continue...

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Mobile Application
Mother’s e-Guide (information product cum instructional material) is of three variants: web, multimedia title (Windows version) and the android. Android is an operating system for mobile devices. It is having the largest share in mobile technology to reach people on the globe for on-demand information. Go mobile and download the app; it supports android version 3.0 and above. Click on the android icon to download and access other versions.

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