Child Nuturing - Mother's e-Guide

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From Toddler to a Grown-up

From Toddler to a Grown-up.

Transiting with Confidence

To raise a child with self-confidence requires some knowledge in neonatal care and upbringing. It takes time as it is a gradual process and also needs a good deal of dedication. Some tips are highlighted below:

  • Limit the child’s exposure to the media.
  • Each child is special; hence let him/ her knows he/ she is loved.
  • Teach your children the attitude of gratitude.
  • Their good efforts should be praised while bad ones should be rebuked.
  • Children should not be compared rather love them in totality.
  • Quality time should be spent with the children.
  • Teach them it is NORMAL to say ‘no’ when situation warrants it.
  • Teach and encourage children to do things by themselves; it will boost their self-esteem.
  • Parents should meticulously nurture their areas of special interests, gifts and talents.
  • Be real with your child – YES is yes and NO is no.
  • Get involved in the school work and monitor their progress.
  • Parents should be co-operative in correcting a child to achieve result in harmony.
  • Teach your child the appropriate and inappropriate behaviour as early as possible.

Healthy Communication with a Child

Communication for Developing a Child

0 - 2 years

  • Touch is the first form of communication.
  • Use tone and body language to enhance what you see.
  • Respond to baby talk with conversation.
  • Talking to your child despite his "comprehension" encourages language skills.

3 - 5 years

  • Give your child your complete attention when possible
  • Watch your tone and body language
  • Help your child to put words to his emotion
  • Use the help strategy to develop emotional regulation skills
  • Offers limited choices and simple explanations

6 - 11 years

  • Make time to talk
  • Speak to your child in respectful manner that presumes a level of maturity
  • When trying to get information from your child ask specific questions and keep talking even if they won’t talk back.
  • Listen without contradicting and repeat what you heard in a more mature manner
  • Allow your child to have some input in family rules
  • Laugh with your child and admit your mistakes

12 – 18 years

  • Talk with your teen not at him
  • Show respects for your teen’s opinions
  • Find opportunity such as car rides and television commercial to talk with your teen
  • Respect your teen privacy and keep their confidences
  • Showing that you trust your teen will in turn encourage them to confide in you
  • Be yourself. A teen is old enough to respect you as an individual
  • Limit their exposure to media
  • Let them know they are special each child is unique and special.
  • Teach an attitude of gratitude
  • Praise their efforts
  • Do not compare them spend quality time with the children
  • Teach them it is okay to say no
  • Tell them you love them
  • Teach your child to do things for themselves
  • Nurture their special interest, gift and talent
  • Be real with them
  • Get involved in their school work

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