DMCA-SC-2 - Mother's e-Guide

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** Bold Steps in RED indicate critical areas for careful attention.

Step 7: Gently pinch the skin at the injection site and insert needle

  • Pinch skin to form or create a “tent”.

  • Hold device by the port and insert needle straight and completely into skin at a downward angle.
  • The port should touch skin to ensure needle is inserted at correct depth.

Insert the needle (Arm)

  • Hold port while inserting.
  • Insert at a downward angle.
  • Port should touch the skin.

Insert the needle (Abdomen)

• Hold port while inserting.
• Insert at a downward angle.
• Port should touch the skin.
Avoid the navel.

Insert the needle (Thigh)

• Hold port while inserting.
• Insert at a downward angle.
• Port should touch the skin.

  • Note:

  • The pinch is important to make sure the Uniject device is injected into the fat of the body and not the muscle.
  • A slight downward angle helps prevent injection of air.
  • Needle should never be pointed upward during injection.

Step 8: Press/ Squeeze the reservoir.

  • Press the reservoir SLOWLY to inject for about 5 to 7 seconds.
  • It is OK if there is liquid leftover in the reservoir.

Step 9: Remove the needle/ device from the injection site.

  • While still pinching the skin, remove the needle/ device first
  • Then let go off the skin “tent”.

  • While still pinching the skin, remove the needle/ device first
  • Then let go off the skin “tent”.

** Do not clean, rub or massage the injection site (after injection has been given).

Step 10: Discard the Uniject Device

  • Do not be tempted to replace the needle shield/ cap back to the Uniject rather...

  • Discard, placing in a safety box or a puncture-proof container; close the lid.

  • Throw it all completely in a waste bin.

Step 11: Finally, wash your hand again with soap and water to safeguard against infection.

** Bold Steps in RED indicate critical areas for special attention.

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